Beer and wine both can be wholesome elements of a healthy lifestyle, but they can become decidedly unwholesome if drinking becomes excessive. Excessive drinking is not only detrimental to your health, itâs expensive, and can easily become a drain on your finances if youâre not careful. However, when enjoyed responsibly and in moderation, some studies are beginning to show that beer can be as heart healthy as wine, and bears some other potential health benefits as well.
Read on to discover the case for responsible beer drinking, as well as some helpful tips on food pairing and optimal serving temperatures. In my opinion, if you slow down and enjoy it fully, at the right temperature and with some nicely complimentary food, youâll be far less likely to enjoy it in excess, and far more likely then to reap the positive benefits of beer. Of course, you should always consult your doctor about what is most beneficial for your own health. Enjoy, I hope you find it informative.
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