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- Ok, I reckon installing a chocolate fountain outdo...
- My 8 year-old adopted daughter just made this sing...
- I can't believe I missed the Bryan Cranston AMA......
- My 8 yr old son puts a controller in his brain inj...
- Really thought the barista at Starbucks was making...
- First official Guardians of the Galaxy photo!
- I know i'm guilty of this...
- No kitty, I don't think that is how you drink milk
- Reportedly, Kate Upton has said that she doesn't w...
- How my first post on imgur went.
- How Can Jaden Be Real If Will Isn't Real
- Happy New Year 2014 from Australia
- body! COME!
- This caterpillar looks like it has tiny penguins o...
- My dog has to touch me when we nap, that way he kn...
- MRW when my brother introduced us to his girlfrien...
- Poor Pluto.
- Slow news day, I presume??
- just, please give me my fake internet points.
- My favorite book as a child
- Is this a fucking game?
- Boyfriend says he does not like cats, I think he i...
- My foster basset had two failed adoptions before f...
- Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming...!
- I was pulled over for speeding tonight. This was w...
- Caught my cats having sex like humans...
- I forgot how to cat
- This is an image by a teenage girl who does colore...
- My most story?
- I can do this.
- Dramatic Monkey
- This guy just doesn't give any fucks.
- I was also given permission to paint utility boxes...
- He's pretty easy to buy for.
- Here comes the hotstepper
- As a longtime lurker, MFW I saw you had to have 10...
- It’s just a game, dad.
- Appreciate the honesty
- sorry if repost, my excuse is I was on tumblr all ...
- There is something wrong
- You've come to the wrong neighborhood.
- My friend walked in on her cat the other day...
- Lets all be virgins
- A neighbour of mine has one wall in their house pa...
- Fail kitty
- Every girl knows this is the truth
- This is what rock bottom looks like
- Zoey has worked hard on her new trick and she want...
- This is my gargoyle.
- I showed my dad an Advice Animal, and he said he k...
- Mama cat nursing a one-week-old pit bull after he ...
- Christmas came a day late this year!
- British national pride
- When i hear there's always more fish in the sea
- But mom....
- Go Go Power Rangers
- Daria at her best.
- :''''''''''''''(
- Dead girls who wear foundation: Please warn me
- How I deal with random photobombers
- It was Mary had a Little Lamb for me...
- Does imgur like sushi?
- Why I will never work retail again.
- After seeing all of the posts complaining about "g...
- Ahhh, Sweet Relief
- So much happiness…
- Pisses me off
- 11 yr old stuns the crowd during the Steel Panther...
- This brightened my day :)
- From my tumblr...
- A Dog's Purpose
- My family believes it's because I am "lazy"
- oh lawdy
- Catch Sparky! ...Sparky?
- Row, row, row your barge, gently down the stream...
- When you tootachoo
- 99% of my friends have never read a book...*Sigh*
- My dad finally acquired his dream car!
- My wife and I dressed up for a costume party.
- guide lines
- My coworker's cat was misbehaving at the vet, so t...
- To my student who wrote this on your final: you di...
- She texted me first.
- Learning to paint this month & wanted to share the...
- Pretty much sums up my teen years
- Row row row your boat sneaking up the stream - Loc...
- MRW my really shy friend asks out this beautiful l...
- It takes skill to fuck up this badly.
- I feel dumb.
- Finally got a couch for the new apartment, my frie...
- Every time I see my ex with another guy
- Got this tonight...
- Great high school yearbook typo.
- Can I get your opinion imgur community?
- “A Centaur in Disguiseâ€
- I have no words
- Someone got this balloon for my brother's birthday...
- How I feel on 99% of my posts
- popular facepalm
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